
Mother’s Intuition - It’s more than a saying, it’s a roadmap.

We jokingly acknowledge “mother’s intuition” in Western culture, but it usually doesn’t receive the respect that such an important ability deserves. It is often called a sixth sense, but it is not just one sense: it is a whole set of senses.

Intuition allows us to take in and process energetic information, in just the same way our physical senses allow us to take in energy in the form of light waves or sound waves and process what that information means. Our intuitive senses are just picking up on and processing non-physical information (in the form of mental, emotional, and universal energies), while our physical senses pick up and process physical energies.

What are the intuitive senses?

Rather than simply one sixth sense, we actually have a whole set of intuitive senses. Our physical senses use structures in our physical body to take in energy on the physical spectrum and bring the information the energy carries into our system for processing. Our intuitive senses do the same thing with non-physical energies. These include mental, emotional, and universal/spiritual energies. We have a correlating intuitive sense for each of our physical senses, along with two bonus senses.

Intuitive Feeling - Clairsentience

This is often the first intuitive sense we are aware of, and children are masters of this sense. Clairsentience allows us to feel what is going on around us. Have you eve walked into a room where an argument has just occurred, and you felt the tension in the air? That’s clairsentience. It’s also how we feel the energy of others - so when you’re around someone who makes you feel really energized by their positivity or exhausted and lethargic from their depression, you’re sensing with clairsentience.

Intuitive Hearing - Clairaudience

Clairaudience is the ability to “hear” non-physical energy. I put that in quotes because for most people clairaudient information actually comes through in the form of thoughts that pop into your head, rather than actually a sensation of hearing sound. There certainly are some people with highly developed intuitive senses who can hear non-physical energy. But for the majority of us, we’ll pick up on words, names, phrases, and ideas that come directly into our thoughts, often without really knowing how they got there. When you have a sudden thought to go a different route to work, only to found out that you avoided a traffic jam, that was clairaudience.

Intuitive Sight - Clairvoyance

This is often the intuitive sense people will relate to being a sixth sense - probably thanks to the famous movie of the same name about a little boy who “sees dead people.” There are some people with developed intuitive senses who can see non-physical energy with their eyes. But for most of us, clairvoyance communicates information by forming a mental image in our mind.

Intuitive Smell and Taste - Clairolfactance and Clairgustance

These are two less common intuitive senses that many people may not be aware of. Clairolfactance is the sense of “clear smell,” or having the impression of a smell from a non-physical source. If you were thinking of your grandfather and suddenly swore you could smell his cologne, you were using this intriguing sense. Clairgustance is the sense of “clear taste.” It’s is similar to its sister sense of clairolfactance. Get a vision of grandma in your mind’s eye or hear a line of her favorite song running through your head, and then feel like you can taste her cookies or lasagna? That’s your clairgustance picking up on the energetic memory you share with her and validating your clairvoyance or clairaudience.

Intuitive Knowing - Claircognizance

Similar to clairaudience, this intuitive sense sends thoughts directly to our mind and allows us to know something without knowing how we know it. But claircognizance is a bigger picture knowing than clairaudience. Rather that “hearing” a word or phrase, when we pick up information claircognizantly, we often understand a situation, something that is happening or going to happen. Have you ever had a sense of knowing something would happen before it did, or got a feeling you needed to call a loved one because you sensed something was going on with them? That was engaging your claircognizance.

Core Resonance

With our physical senses, the sensory organs bring in energetic information that is sent to the brain for processing. The brain then compares the information against the catalog of prior experiences that you’ve built up over your lifetime. Your brain uses that catalog to judge what the information means for you and what you should do with it. With intuitive senses, information is also processed against a catalog of sorts, but in this case it is our personal energetic frequency. Just as every key on a piano plays its own unique note, each person has a core frequency, a vibration or note that is uniquely you in the symphony of the universe. This core frequency holds in its vibration the totality of who you are, where you’ve been and where you’re going, what is good for you and your wellbeing, and what aligns with and advances you on your life’s path. When something aligns and resonates with your core frequency, you feel it as core resonance - a sense of peace, ease, harmony, joy and “rightness.” Likewise, when something doesn’t resonate with you and your highest good, you’ll feel the same kind of unease and discomfort you’d feel when you hear a note played off key - something doesn’t feel right.