“Mother’s intuition” isn’t just a saying.

It’s a roadmap.


Hi, I’m Kate North. I’ve always been sensitive, empathic, and intuitive. But, like so many of us, I often ignored the intuitive guidance I received. In 2018, while in the middle of my third pregnancy, I started getting very strong gut feelings that I should change hospitals, change providers, and set myself up with a whole new birth plan. Thankfully, I listened. The intuition-guided decisions I made helped my son and me survive a potentially life threatening birth complication.

Since then, I’ve been on a mission to better understand and listen to my intuition, and to use it intentionally as I navigate my life. Popular belief is that intuition is just one sixth sense, but it’s actually a whole set of senses that are there to help us understand the world around and within us. When you can tap into and use your intuitive senses, you have so much more information available to you. I’m here to share this guidance with others so that you, too, can benefit from the constant flow of personalized information that your intuition brings.

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Imagine driving through a blizzard with only half of your windshield cleared. You’re trying to stay on the road, look for street signs, and keep an eye on cars around you, but you’ve only got half the picture available to you. This is what happens to us when we move through life only using our physical senses and ignoring our intuitive senses. We’re essentially navigating half blind. I’m on a mission to help people recognize and connect with their intuitive senses so that they can navigate their lives more fully informed. Here you’ll find support, resources and empowerment for connecting with your own inner compass.